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NEWS - May 2024

Woodland at Sutton Walls.

While the clear primary purpose of the SWCG is the preservation and promotion of the archaeology and history of the site, the location also serves an important ecological purpose given the diverse nature of the local flora and fauna, combined with good public access.

To this end SWCG has been looking at different ways in which we might be able to preserve and improve the diversity and sustainability of the ecology of the site, a very important part of which is the woodland there, and so in Spring 2024 we have decided to embark on the preparation of something called a “Woodland Management Plan” (WMP).

A WMP is a formal document whose purpose is to create a long-term (10 year) sustainable plan promoting best practice in woodland management and covering eight elements (biodiversity, climate change, historic, environment, landscape, people, soil, and water) and must comply with the government’s “UK Forestry Standard” and be approved by the Forestry Commission.

We are right at the very start of this process, and as we develop the draft plan we will be consulting with the local Parish Councils, our neighbours, and Historic England to both keep them informed and consider any views, and we will also publish further information on our website as the plan evolves.

You can find out more about WMPs at:, and if you have any queries or observations about this then please do contact us at:

Forthcoming  Events.

Monday 10th February 2025.

Climate Change in Herefordshire, and its impact on Biodiversity. A talk by Rachel

Rachel Jenkins, ex-President of the Woolhope Club, has pulled together fascinating evidence of changes in the flora and fauna of Herefordshire over the last century. This evidence is presented within an overview of climate change illustrated by a range of informative facts and interesting examples. 6:30 for 7.00pm. Sutton St Nicholas Village Hall. Bayley Way, HR1 3SZ.

Refreshments will be available, including cakes and wine, and there will be a Raffle.

Entrance £3.00. Cash only please.

A  biography of Rachel Jenkins:

Rachel Jenkins, OBE, grew up in Burley Gate where her parents ran the local village school, imbuing all the children with a love of natural history. She returned to live in her native Herefordshire in 2011, and isactive in local biodiversity projects. She looks after 127 nestboxes for pied flycatchers in Moccas deer park, ringing all the chicks and adults each year.
She organised the winter speakers programme for the Herefordshire bird club for
ten years. She has been President of the Woolhope Club twice, and is currently one
of the Vice Presidents.  She produced the Woolhope Club exhibition about the River Wye, which has been circulating around Herefordshire libraries, museums and churches for the last two and a half years. 


Herefordshire History Week 10th-18th May 2025 Open day with Sutton Walls
Conservation Group.

All details awaiting confirmation.

'The Wildlife of the Walls' Monday 15th September 2025.

A talk by Stuart Moore

Stuart Moore’s presentation will look at the range of species present on and around Sutton Walls hillfort. Stuart is a resident of Sutton St. Nicholas and has been undertaking monitoring and surveys of the flora and fauna of Sutton Walls over the past 5 years, including bat and moth surveys.

7:00pm for 7.30pm. Sutton St Nicholas Village Hall.

Full details to be confirmed.

Historical Walking Trail.

Sutton Walls Conservation Group have launched an exciting new heritage walking trail map that transports you back in time to explore life on Sutton Walls in the Iron Age and Roman periods as well in the time of Ethelbert and Offa.

Please note the footpath is uneven, steep in parts and can be quite muddy. You will need sturdy footware.

You can buy a trail map and walk at your leisure. The map is on sale at the Golden Cross pub in the centre of Sutton St Nicholas or you may print your own lower quality image using the pdf icons next to the following images.


Click on this pdf icon to print this page or view it on your pc etc.


Click on this pdf icon to print this page or view it on your pc etc.

Significant News.

Sutton Walls Conservation Group has taken a big step forward in securing the wonderful Iron Age hillfort's future for generations to come.

The group, which was established in 2017, responded to a call from Historic England to help manage the site as it was on their 'at risk' register. Working with the Gwynne family, who have owned the site for several generations, the lease has now been signed, giving the SWCG the responsibility as tenants to take on the task of managing the site in terms of its outstanding value for archaeology, nature, farming and people.

The next step will be to instigate a Conservation Management Plan, which will inform and guide the way forward and could include a range of actions such as providing interpretation boards, coppicing, opening up viewpoints and stabilising the hillfort's ramparts. The public footpath, which circumnavigates the hillfort and is excellently maintained, will continue to provide access to the site and a great opportunity for walkers. Find out more by picking up a Heritage Walking Trail map from the Golden Cross pub or visit . Keep an eye out for more news and opportunities to get involved in looking after, and making the most of this amazing site, right on our doorstep!


Visitors to Sutton Walls should please keep to the public footpaths at all times.

Historic England's Heritage at Risk Register 2019,  Case Study, Sutton Walls Camp.

Read full case study text of this important document by clicking the pdf icon.


Above text and photograph are copyright of Historic England 2019

Event Archive

Keith Ray's Bodyguards or Marauders talk, March 2024

Wellington Quarry: Iron Age and Roman settlement and Early Medieval milling. February 2023

Jane's Fundraising Walk, "In the footsteps of Ethelbert" August 2021
Open Event, October 2021
Sutton Walls features on BBC TV’s Midlands today.

Historic England Grant 2021

Sutton Walls Quiz. May 2020

Sutton Walls and Herefordshire in the Iron Age - Postponed March 2020

Coffee Morning and Walk 2019

Photography Competition 2018

Sutton Walls Conservation Group (SWCG)  is a

foundation Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO)

Registered Charity Number: 1175194

Registered in England and Wales.

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